Tecno Phones Review: Why They Are Doing Well In Nigeria
I love sharing my creative opinion on products or services I
use and the feedback worth sharing. Tecno Phones are no exception. Since their
launched here in Nigeria, I can testify the vital reasons why they are doing
well in Nigeria not because I bought and use the brand but because I know more
than dozen of family and friends who use Tecno phones and they love the very
But is that why they are doing well in Nigeria? I don’t
think so, I read on social networks like facebook and twitter both the positive
and negative feedback from tecno users and I do respect their reviews
respectively. But even if I love sharing creative review on a product or
service I once use, I will still point out some error to be corrected or give
suggest ion on how to fix it.
There are two things that make or break a brand; positive
and negative reviews. Gone are the day people read or heard about a particular
brand on TV cable, radio or newspaper and they went directly to the store and
bought it. This is an informative age, and thank to Google for giving value to our
Nowadays, we cannot just walk into a shop to buy any product
or place order online without first Google the product review. Example: I want
to buy Tecno C8; I will open a new tab, type google.com or google.com.ng, sent
and wait for the search engine to open. Since I want to buy Tecno C8, I will
type ‘tecno c8 review’ (without the quotation mark) inside the search box and
click search/go.
In few second, series of results will display and you are
free to click on any page that relate to tecno c8. Whether positive or
negative, your decision will base on the reviews you read about the product you
want to buy. Where are we heading to? Why tecno brand are doing well in
Nigeria? We are not there yet. But before we get there, I believe by now you
can get the picture on what make or break a brand by following the steps above.
If 80% of reviews you read about tecno c8 or any model is
positive, that give you the value for your money. The confident to walk into
that shop and buy one, buy online and recommend to your friends. Personally,
what I did after buying a product and am satisfy with it is to go on my
facebook wall, twitter handle, or tech review blogs and share my own review
with others.
But why others ignore the 20% negative feedback from the
product users, I creatively analyze, suggest how or what the company could do
to improve rather than just criticizing and walk away. Am a big fan of tecno, I
don’t love all their products or some features on ones I love. But will I write
negative review about them or those products because of this? Hell no! There’s
a sayings that ‘one’s man food is another man poison’. How will others (who
love the product you hate) feel after reading your negative review?
Read: GoMyWay.com Review: Creative Opinion
Read: GoMyWay.com Review: Creative Opinion
If you are a fan like me, I recommend going for tecno phone
with features you love. Search until you find one and save yourself the art of
paying for what you don’t love and end up writing negative review for the
mistake solely make by you. Google is your friend, let her help you! Are you
shy to tell her what you want? Lol. If you are shy to tell your girlfriend or
your wife what you want to eat, then your fiancée or your wife will cook what
she want to eat. The same method Google use to give you what you want. If you
type nothing inside that search box (if you ask her nothing), it display
nothing (she give you no result).

Look like am talking too much and the topic persuading from
the original. But if what you ask your friend Google is wrong, then the review
you write about that thing will be negative. Tecno in this case do well in
Nigeria because they give you and me what we want, it that not true? Well, if
your guess is that ‘this is my opinion’, I will love to read your own opinion
from the comment box.
Now, we all know why tecno dominate the Smartphone market in
Nigeria. Less you forget, tecno is the reason why giant mobile phones brand
like Samsung and blackberry are sitting on the bench now. Why are they sitting
on the bench? They were making Smartphone for the rich. Then tecno took the
advantage of the large market queue for similar Smartphone and push away these
giant brands. Based on my statistic, out of 100% android users in Nigeria; 60%
are tecno users and the remaining 40% can be share among brands like Samsung,
Blackberry, Gionee, LG, HTC, Infinix, etc.
Enough is not enough until UOB readers say is enough!
Below are the five reasons why Tecno is doing well in
1. Cheap price of Tecno phones
Brands like Samsung and blackberry has made the keyword
searches for cheap price of tecno phones increasing every second. When tecno
first took the advantage of making mobile phones for the consumers unlike
Samsung, apple and blackberry, they understand that the purchasing power to
dominate the targeted market in Nigeria is to make quality products with low
price tag.

2. High Quality of Tecno phones
Like a professional brand with an exceptional marketing
strategy; they didn’t weight their success based on giving the market low priceproducts only, but also high qualities because they want Tecno to be a
household name in Nigeria. They decided to do what the giant brands like
Samsung and blackberry did in term of high quality with controversial low
prices to dominate the targeted market. But first, as Chinese company, some
people didn’t take them serious including the well-known brand like Samsung who
is struggling now to keep the remaining customers tecno reluctantly left for
them. Nigerians chose Tecno phones not because they can afford them, but
because of the same high quality compare to expensive brands like Samsung and
3. Marketing Strategy
Tecno marketing strategy was to produce cheap and quality
phones for their targeted core customers. But that was not all, understanding
what the customers want and the easy way to get it was the marketing campaign
worth doing. Instead of paying top bloggers to write reviews for their
products, they give their best in quality that produce positive reviews from
loyal users.
4. Local Advertising
Good products are good because people buy and use them. But
can people buy what they heard and not seen? One thing tecno do different when
it comes to advertising their product is to go local. They are focusing on
mobile phone dealers/sellers in Computer Village and other top tech marketers
in all the biggest cities in Nigeria.
5. Awesome design
Tecno understand the challenges to remain consistent in this
business. If a brand like Samsung
under a year launched two phones with different designs, what tecno should do
to beat that? My suggestion is not launching out three or four phones to beat
Samsung, but one or two phones with exceptional design. If truth must be told,
some of us love tecno products not because they are cheap but because of their
awesome design with luxury view.
Tecno Phones Review: Why They Are Doing Well In Nigeria
Reviewed by Unknown

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